Friday, April 3, 2015

RESTORE - Habitat for Humanity Store - Summerdale, AL

Recently we have visited the RESTORE store in Summerdale, AL.  I have some mixed emotions about Habitat for Humanity.  But, I do know some very deserving people who have received homes through them an I do know they overall do good work.  That being said.  They often will set up stores and sell items they can't use in these homes or when they buy too much etc.

I have been to other Habitat stores. Usually it is a great place to visit.  You can find good deals.  This store is a mixed bag.  Some stuff is retail, some stuff is very cheap and yet other items are so expensive you just shake your head.  For example, we have been there three times.  We have seen the same older style large print couch for $150.  Ok a couch for $150 not so bad, however, I have seen newer couches in better condition on craigslist or the facebook sales ads for $50 or 75.  I feel like they way overprice their furniture items.  They had paint by the gallon but the colors were so bad, I don't know who would ever use them or why.  Then, they had tile (that was what we went for). It was $25 per box.  It is basically retail, but, they had the style we wanted and couldn't find locally.  So we did not hesistate to pay retail.  I don't know if they have a discount mode or how that all works.

We did get a good deal on some decorative chains that you can hang potted plants on etc.  And some other smaller household items were very reasonable like glasses, table ware, decor pieces.  Their decorative plants (fake) were retail but were old and not in great condition so should have been much lower in price.  It really is a crapshoot at this place.  But you can get a bargain if you go in for the right item on the right day.

It almost seems like they have flat prices for items no matter condition.  We saw a beautiful set of nightstands for $35 each. Definitely worth that then went around the corner and there was one that was made of particle board that was $35 and was missing a handle and had scratches.  It just didn't make sense.

Because there is bargains there and because it is a good cause I am going to give it three stars.  But again, know your prices and shop carefully.

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