Thursday, April 30, 2015

What I learned about moving......We moved 12 plus hours from home...

Ok so you are moving....let me tell you what I have learned over the years. No I am not a moving expert.  I don't know everything about moving.  What I do know is I have lived all over the country.  A lot of times I have moved myself and sometimes I have had a moving company.  Moving WILL BE THE MOST STRESSFUL TIME OF YOUR LIFE!

You thought planning a wedding was difficult?  You thought that starting a new job was hard.  Get ready and hold on if you are moving! 

When they tell you you are moving START PACKING!  If you are moving yourself or packing yourself you need to start packing.  I always make what I like to call my #1 box.  The #1 box is a very special box.  It has toilet paper, paper plates, napkins, paper towels, coffee pot, coffee filters, paper coffee cups, coffee.  I also suggest items like new toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, towels, facecloths or bath scrubbies.  This is your urgent need box.  When you get all those boxes in your new home. This box will be your sanity.  Trust me its true.

If you are moving yourself or packing yourself.  Go out and invest in the following items:
Packing Tape
Masking Tape
Boxes (check local grocery stores, food places and such for free ones!)
Sharpies (at least 4)
A 5 subject notebook
Newspapers (you can actually buy a roll of newspaper paper at your local news place.  They have short sheets.  Or ask your friends who subscribe to hook you up!)

The packing tape, boxes and sharpies I know are obvious.  If you are packing your own boxes, you will find out that having the notebook will be a godsend when you arrive.

Start a section for each room.  Number your boxes.  As you load that box write EVERY SINGLE ITEM YOU PUT IN THE BOX under that box number.  What this means is in your new home.  When you need something you will have it.  You won't be pulling things out of boxes you don't need right away. 

There are some obvious packing tips.  Anything breakable should be wrapped and wrapped well.  These are your treasures treat them that way.  After you wrap it masking tape it so it stays wrapped.  Also feel free to write what it is on the tape with a sharpie.  That way you can also find stuff within the box quickly.  Also, put things like sheets etc in one box, curtains in another, clothing try to pack for seasons.  That way you aren't pulling winter clothes out looking for a tank top or vice versa. 

Even if you have 2 to three months to move....start right away.  There are tons of things you will not use before the move.  Pack them early!  The time will fly.  You will be spending SO MUCH TIME trying to get all of your loose ends taken care of and trying to see all of your friends and family before the move that it will fly past.  Even if you are moving local this is still a good idea. 

Have a yardsale!  As you are going through things you know you aren't going to use in the new place.  Have a yardsale.  Take those funds, put them in an envelope for your move.  Don't touch it!  You know you are going to need to order pizza and such when you arrive at your new place don't take it out of your bill money.  If you don't want to do a yardsale then definitely donate those items rather than taking them with you hoping you might use them at the new place. 

Planning will help you get through the move with your brain and self intact!  Just a little this and that will make your move smooth!  Next post will go over getting ready for your new place and new life!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baltimore is burning......

Ok, I understand that cops screw up.  That there are bad cops. Not all cops are bad.  Just like not all black people are criminals.  However, I feel like there is a bigger problem here.  When did it come to a point where if a group of people aren't happy about a problem they create a bigger one?  Had they peacefully protested they would have had so much support from the world.  Now that they are rioting, the world just is looking at oh look at this guy. Since 2007 he has been arrested a bunch of times for dealing drugs, robbery and other crimes.  He was a criminal.  I have seen Facebook posts that state the only good criminal is a dead criminal. I have seen people posting photos saying that in white neighborhoods they are stuffing black trash bags to look like bodies and hanging them from trees. I don't know if this is true or not, I don't live in Baltimore. 

Now before you say Oh you are white you just don't get it. No, I do get it.  A man died while in police custody.  And that is horrible.  If the police officers were negligent, they definitely should be arrested and charged.  I absolutely agree.  However, right now, the police departments can't even investigate this.  They have all hands dealing with a riot.  They are arresting people for arson to a community building that was being built to give people a place to go.  They are arresting people and trying to protect stores from being burned and robbed.  There can't be a fair review of the incident as long as people are overburdening the system with other crime.

I can't sit back and say the police did anything wrong.  I wasn't there.  But what I do know is that violence for violence is NOT the answer.  I am so proud of that mom who went down and grabbed her son out of the crowd.  More parents need to be that active in their kids lives.  Can you imagine if parents got out of the mentality they are in.  Low income parents teach their kids that is all there is.  Or they don't try to better their kids lives.

I am tired of hearing my friends of other races saying oh when I go to school I get told I talk to white?  You talk to white?  What is talking too white?  There is too much black on black racism and black on black violence. I recently watched a documentary about dark girls.  I was shocked to see how the tone of her skin affected her life.  I just had no idea how if you are too 'dark skinned' you are less beautiful to some people in your own race.  I think everyone can be beautiful and within your own race you should not be ostracized.  I had a friend who was from India who told me about how in his country he was told he was too dark and was treated poorly like a second class citizen even by his parents.  I was shocked. 

Ultimately the problems are larger than a black guy who has a history of fighting police and is a criminal.  How many black police officers have shot a white man and you don't see this outrage.  If the cops were wrong let the police do their job and investigate and charge them.  Just because the cops were white doesn't make them racist and doesn't mean they did anything wrong. 

Why can't we just be Americans. Why do we have to be any color.  Why can't we say this prisoner died in police custody.  Why.  Lets investigate this.  No criminal deserves to die that way. I absolutely agree.  5 days ago the police commissioner said that it is clear the police officers did not get him medical attention.  No one is denying that someone screwed up.  They are just trying to make sure they figure out exactly who it was an punish that please explain why the riots.

I also saw a young gentleman who was serving in our us military.  He was so specific and he told the truth.  People like Al Sharpton and others are NOT looking out for the black community.  They are looking out for themselves.  People like Al Sharpton live in expensive houses, owe millions to the IRS and don't pay it and sit in a posh hotel and eat caviar while the city burns.  They are NO Martin Luther King.  I am sure MLK is turning in his grave over this violence with circumvents everything he stood for.  This soldier stated that when black people overlook black on black violence it is racist when they only stand up against when a white person does it.  Just like if anyone says that it is only black people rioting..or that the people in the black community do not care about the young man who was killed. 

The looters and people creating the violence for the most part are not people who are upset by the death of the young man who was in police custody.  They are people who, like in Saint Louis, saw an opportunity to travel there and create an issue.  They are criminal elements who want to cause violence.  Within a group it creates a group frenzy.  People who probably normally would have just protested, are now burning buildings.

But while Baltimore burns....Nepal searches for people who are alive in a natural disaster and they are not getting help because everyone is talking about Baltimore.  Sad isn't it.  Priorities.  Let the police handle the police officers who were wrong. They have already admitted it.  The man is already dead.  Nothing you can do by burning down the city can change that.  It is ridiculous.  Please just stop already.  

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Now that we are done unpacking........

If you have ever moved, you know the stress of finding new homes for things that you had in the perfect spot in your old place.  We just moved at the end of January into our new house.  I did not realize it would take me so long to be able to say that I had fully unpacked but it did.  Now here we are 90 days in.  And we have a huge pile of broken things.  Now, I normally do not make a big stink about things.  I very much believe people get what is coming to them, however, the movers were beyond rude and were not carefully packing our items.  Our reclining couch is now separating on one side and we have a pile of broken items. 

So we put in a claim.  Almost $5,000 of damage.  They send us back our settlement offer.  They offer to give us back $645.  Seriously?  They say that our couch must have been already broken.  No it wasn't.  I am afraid we are going to have to go to court.  I will be calling them on Monday with a long list of what they are screwing up.  An item disappeared new in box.  They are claiming it is not their fault.  Well they labeled it and it didn't get here.  So......who's fault is it?  It was noted on the delivery paperwork that it was missing.

So here is my plan.  I have printed out their 'summary offer'.  5 lines say pay at full amount but no amount is on the line.  That is a little bit that they were trying to not give us.  But, our couch when we lived up in Illinois had a warranty on it.  They would have fixed it. All we want is it fixed or replaced.  We even found a place selling a similar couch for less than what we paid for this one.  I am going to go line by line.  Missing cords do count as damage I can't use it if the cord is missing.  I have no problem putting all of this stuff in storage and bringing it all to court.  No problem at all. 

I think that these companies should have a little more respect for people who have been wronged by shotty workmanship.  Seriously.  It is not acceptable.  Have you ever moved and had an issue getting broken items replaced?  What did you do?

Friday, April 24, 2015

Blue Angels Practice - Definitely must see if in the Pensacola Area

My grandparents came into town. I have not seen them since 2008 really.  ( I did go out there when my father had a bad car accident but the entire time was spent in ICU.  I don't consider that a visit.)  They were supposed to stay till Wednesday, so we had planned a trip to see the Blue Angels.  Unfortunately their trip down took longer than expected.  So...they left early on Tuesday.  We decided to go see them anyway.

Growing up, my uncle was in the US Airforce.  He was always inviting us to airshows at Pease AFB and other bases.  We usually went.  There was also a large show in Rhode Island we went to annually.  It was just something we always did.  I remember seeing the Thunderbirds numerous times.  I saw the Blue Angels much fewer times.  I do recall meeting the first Female pilot in the Thunderbirds.  So the bruhaha about the Blue Angels having their first female pilot was like wow now?  Then when we got there we found out she doesn't fly the fighters she flies the Big Support plane.  Kind of a let down.  She still may as well be a secretary.

Found out some very interesting information though.  The pilots are constantly rotating every 2 years some go out and some come in.  I thought you could stay in the Blue Angels for longer but I guess not.  Also, they have to have a ton of flight hours and landings on a carrier ship as well as a referral from their superior officer.  I didn't realize it was that hard to even try to get into the group. 

You will see some amazing artistry though.  The planes seriously look like they are touching and during one maneuver the man that was telling us where to watch and what was coming said that the particular formation they were in they would be 18" apart.  OMG!  I know I have watched videos of them pulling through a turn and how they talk through there maneuvers for timing as well as breathing for the G Forces.  One pilot came across the field at stall speed.  That was really cool.  Then, another pulled 3 Gs and that was awesome too.

My husband and children have never been to an air show and I can honestly say I have never seen them all so enthralled.  It is free too!  Be prepared to have your IDs out and possibly have your car inspected.  The best viewing is at the base at the Air Museum.  (That is free as well).  Free things are always good when you are on vacation!  You would want to make sure in advance that they are practicing that day/week in Pensacola and that can be easily done through their website.  They do winter in California.  But I believe it was in March they had homecoming here.  Also, on Wednesdays, after the flights, the pilots do sign autographs.  Just as a side note, they do offer food and water for sale to help support the museum as well as folding chairs you can rent for $3.  Definitely a great alternative to bleacher seating!  There is special handicapped seating areas as well.  Also on my blog you will see I did post 4 videos from the show.  Amazing and fun!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Oh lets be unpopular.....have you seen the rise of The Warning band?

I am all for thinking your children are amazing.  I went on twitter and trending is this band. The Warning.  Said their website was  So I visited it.  Ok.  Yes they are great guitarists and the middle girl is a great drummer.....that being said.  The 14 year old can not sing.  I have been singing since I was very young.  I have sung in plays, talent shows, competitions, with bands etc.  That being said.  If they wanted to be a band they need a new singer.  Period.

Ok now moving forward.  The entire page appears as if it is an American family with some Hispanic background.  If you dig through the page.  These girls live in Mexico.  They are not American but the whole page is set up to make you think they are.  Ok whatever.  Maybe they are near the border and they commute regularly.  Fine.  (Not going to talk about illegal immigration...I will get hate male)

Ok.  So, the page on many many pages is talking about a go fund me to support the girls.  It feels like a children international commercial. Just 10 cents a day can feed these poor girls.  If they live in mexico from the look of their instruments and equipment and home, the family is not hurting. 

I feel like it is just another rape of Americans who want to help young people who are doing something good.  It does not appear this family is in NEED at all.  I'd rather buy a $5 pack of Chiclets from a small child in a tourist town. 

If these kids were needy I'd be the first to try to help...but c'mon now.  I am tired of all the posts look at this kid who is nailing it.  Mediocre is ok.  That is great it is a child who is into music that is awesome.  But, be real with where the talent is and on top of that don't ask for money.  Especially when your drum set alone is worth about $2000.  I can't afford a drum set of that value for my kids.  And I also know how expensive drum head replacements are and drum sticks.

I don't like people who try to extort money for a cute kid.  So Im good.  They are not so amazing that I am reaching for my purse and I hope you don't as well.  Actually no reason to share them or trend them.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Old Story But it Got Me Thinking

It was a while ago, some guy on YouTube decided to a vlog about Big Girls in Costume at Comicon of all places.  First of all....lets be honest a good portion of gamer and comic fans are not size 2s.  So what do you expect to see under that realm of specifically attracted audience.  His name is Alex Day.  I watched his video because I saw responses and I said what is this all about.  (I have to admit when this came out I was not a regular Youtube watcher.  I'd pull up music I liked that was about it. 

So, he comes into the screen lip syncing I guess to an older song and acting a fool.  Then he starts in ridiculing his hair dresser.  They always comment if your hair is longer than it normally is when you come in.  C'mon now.  Then he leads in to the London version of Comicon.

First he talks about a great and ingenious costume.  A girl made herself into a firefox like the browser.  Ok.  That was cool.  He gave her props.  And because he was working a table he didn't feel the need to dress up.  (At our comicon all of the people working were somehow representing their 'niche' as he calls it.  So what I am already hearing is he didn't bother to try to come up with a costume at all. 

He starts talking about he can't fault the effort the cosplayers put in but without a breath then says but if I had to.....yeah you know the controversy is coming.  Now I will preface with apparently he came out and said this was all supposed to be satire an people should have seen that.  No where in this video is there any note that this is not serious.

Then he says that he feels that cosplayers should dress their size.  He says there are a lot of chubby characters in fandoms.  He then goes into how you can be  the Hulk, Jaba the Hut, Merida from Brave.  He goes over a girl who is dressed up as Misty from Pokemon.  He says she shouldn't have dressed like Misty he should have dressed like Togapi.  Then he says a blind guy was walking around with a dog and should have dressed up as dare devil.  Um he's blind.  He can't dress up as anything unless someone helps him.  He doesn't even know what dare devil looks like.  HELLO!

As a group.  Geeks, for the most part of history, have been teased and tormented because they like things others don't.  He is claiming to be a part of this Geeky fandom based grouping and yet will ridicule any of them.  Here is the deal.  Just because someone is not a size 2 it in no way means they are not amazing people.  It also in no way removes their beauty.  Nor should it remove their confidence when representing everything that they love!  I found a site while looking for cosplay for plus sized is in spanish but..... has some great photos.  Here are a few!

These women are gorgeous and sexy and cosplaying their heart out.  Now my second issue with his 'stance'.  If you can be this.....why would you ever want to be this..

And lastly who says Mireda from Brave is overweight?  I don't see it.  They said oh well she is thicker.  OK so she maybe has a more athletic build?  Compared to any other 'princess' in the movies now.  I still don't see that but she is definitely NOT plus sized.

Oh she has it.  Sorry she doesn't have that 10 year old pre pubescent look that so many guys just adore.

Ya know what. I am a fat girl.  I will dress however I am comfortable.  I don't dress for you I dress for me.  I prefer more modest clothing.  That is just me but if that girl is confident and she wants to wear it out there that is her perogative.  It doesn't mean she is looking for sex even if she says no and it doesn't make her disgusting.  Maybe some people think that girl who has her bones showing and looks like she needs a burger is disgusting.  You don't have to like every body type but you definitely do not have the right to demean anyone because you don't pefer it. Maybe they don't prefer you.  I will tell you this  A lot of people think my husband is pretty hot.  I am not the only one who thinks so.  And he loves me.  And he married me.  Because he loves me....and whatever package I come in is good for him.

People who are going to fat shame should be ashamed.  Whether someone is thin, athletic, chubby or obese.  It is not your right to judge them.  Turn the tables.  How would you feel if someone felt you didn't meet their norm and they criticized you.  Just everyone get over it.  There is enough hate in this world to go around.  Why must we perpetuate this further.  As they say in Frozen - Let it go.....Let it go.....

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Moving and shaking!

Well, we have been in our new home since the end of January.  I really thought by April we would be settled.  Who knew we had so much junk? I know I didn't.  We actually donated 7 boxes of items plus a chair to a fundraiser for a small child with cancer.  And I still have since found about another 7 boxes of stuff to do a yardsale with!  Holy smokes. My craft room is over flowing with yardsale.  Although I am pretty dang excited that I can say I have a legit craftroom.  Yes that means there will be some crafting tutorials.

I now can confidently say our laundry room/gym area is DONE!  Our dining room and living room are DONE!  And my kitchen pretty much is done!   How awesome to be DONE with some rooms.  We have an overhaul on 2 bathrooms but we have everything we need for it.  Just have to make the time (tiling tutorial coming too!)

Now that most everything is grandparents have decided to drive from CT to Alabama to come visit. They actually are somewhere in Virginia sleeping the night. They claim they are in Harrisburg.  All I found was Harrisonburg......but she still claims that is not right it is Harrisburg.  So we will go with what she says, knowing it is really where I said!  HA!

Anyhow, no word on the job front. Had two interviews last week. Had a second interview on Monday for one.  Thought that was a shoe in...but maybe not.  I know there was one more person.  We will see what happens.  But I got an email for another phone interview.  SO that is a good thing.  Just hoping that in the next 6 weeks I have left on unemployment something happens.

But good news to come on this one!  I don't know if you know who Sam Glenn is.  Sam Glenn is a motivation speaker.  He talks about how your attitude affects your life and the way you feel about circumstances.  Today on Facebook he asked for people to review his new book.  I will be getting a copy for me to keep and a copy to GIVE AWAY!  I am pretty excited I got picked.  He is really amazing.  At any rate, keep your eyes open!  Someone who reads this blog will get a free book!  I am inserting one of his videos below to get you pumped!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Have you tried the new fries at Wendys? No seriously...have you?

So, my daughter saw the commercial.  Ghost Chili Fries. Yeah Ghost Chili.  I said in our house, we love our spicy.  No idea why we just do.  I will sit and eat jalapenos like no tomorrow.  So, we were picking up stuff to finish up some rooms in the house and spotted Wendy's.  And the chant started from the backseat.

Fries.......ghost chili fries.......  Yeah she is weird but she's mine.  I'll keep her.  My husband was like what are you talking about and she said...picture this.....fries....and cheese on top.  And in that cheese..........mmm...ghost chilis.......and on top.......tada........jalapenos..  And he said, "Really?"

So off we went.  We got three of those and some drinks.  That's it.  Then we parked.  They were in cute little plastic boxes.  Came with a fork.  (Good idea by the way.  I am the genius that had gotten cheese on my finger..licked it off then a few minutes later wiped my eyes.  Trust me USE THE FORK LUKE!)  Tons of fries.....(compared to normal servings).  TONS OF CHEESE!!!!! (who doesn't love cheese.....unless you are lactose intolerant then I get it...and I'm sorry.....I love cheese).  And then what looked to be almost half  jalapeno chopped and on top. 

It was amazing.  It is not so spicy that if you like spice a little you will be overwhelmed.  But enough that if you is good too.  I would like to buy a chili bowl full of just the sauce.  Try it on other tacos....and hot dogs.....and baked potatoes.....

I sincerely think that maybe 1.49 would be a better price point, but, since it is new and limited time I get the 1.99.  And honestly. I'd pay it again.  It was amazing. I rarely get fast food.  I usually am against stopping for the 'new shtick'  but, this one is worth it.  I sincerely loved it. 

***I did not receive anything free for this review.  We paid for our order.  I did not ask permission to review this item.  I just bought it and had to tell you about it.  Photo I used is from the Wendy's website. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Child Support Battle....why does it exist?

I was a single parent for a lot of my children's lives.  I remarried their dad when They were in 7th and 8th grade (after splitting when they were 3 and 4).  I know what was I thinking.  See he had anger management issues.  After really not being around for a few years and not paying support, he had told me he had been in counseling and had really realized what he had done.  I, like an idiot, believed him.  After 2 years of making sure he had changed and watching for red flags (which were there again I just didn't see them again) I did remarry him.  Which renigged any child support he owed in arrears (which was a LOT).  I definitely should not have. 

All of that being said in 2011, early Christmas morning I woke up from the couch (where I was sleeping because he would lock himself into the bedroom so I couldn't sleep on the bed...long story.  Anyhow, I woke up to him carrying things out of the house.  Now the old me would have wanted to see what he was taking.  The older and more mature me, said it is stuff if he took anything I need, I can replace it.  And he was leaving without saying goobye to his kids.  Just taking off. 

In the divorce it didn't matter that he sold the truck that was ours or that he had my car repossessed because he didn't want his name on it.  Instead of asking me to refi.  Didn't matter that he had cleaned my paycheck out of the bank because he kept quitting jobs.  He got to keep all that.  But I was awarded child support.  When we went to court for contempt.....he sent a $100 check and the judge said look he is trying to pay.  Then that was it.  Fast Forward from April 2012 to current not a single penny has been paid. 

So then I am faced with what to do.  My children have both turned 18.  I have worked 2 and three jobs their entire lives to make sure they had everything they needed.  Hoping all the time that I would eventually get income from him to help do that.  It never came. So now my attorney said, court wants to revoke his license.  I actually had to think about it.  Then it hit me. I can't say no.  I have been non confrontational on this entire thing.  I have just let things slide for 21 years.  I have to stand up for myself and get back some of what I have lost over the years or given up.  So, I said go for it. 

Then I thought to myself.  If the roles were reversed I would never have missed a payment.  I would on top of that have been sending my children money and things they needed.  How does someone get to a point where they just don't care about their children.  One time he had said, well I was never worried about child support because I know she is a good mom and she will make sure they have what they need.

When did it start happening that people thought the other person should bear 100% of all responsibility?  Trust me I know not all parents are like this. I know it is only a percentage. Most dads spend every moment with their kids and when they can't are heart broken.  But they are looked at as no better than the dads like my ex who don't contact their children and don't pay support. 

My children are both so hurt by his actions I can't even start to tell you how much he has hurt them.  I can't fix that at all.  And that bugs me...but, I also know it is his decision to turn into this horrible person and his friends that are supporting him and believing his lies.....well....guess they will find out in due time.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Is dysfunctional really a term to use for families?

So, when I look at my family, I guess some people would look at my life and say..."wow...dysfunctional".  Yeah maybe.  But, its my family and with all the quirks and hardships it has made me who I am which is someone who is very functional.  So I thought what does dysfunctional really mean?

1. not performing normally, as an organ or structure of the body; malfunctioning.
2. having a malfunctioning part or element: It is hard to get bills through a dysfunctional congress.
3. behaving or acting outside social norms: All the siblings in their extremely dysfunctional family lost contact as adults.

Who sets social norms?  Who decides what is or is not normal.  Who decides what the ultimate norm is?  Is it set by a specific group of rich people who they are perfect?  I don't know this answer.  What I do know is at the end of the day......I don't think normal exists.  
I grew up with my grandparents.  I grew up knowing that my father lived in Florida and my mother lived in Illinois.  I didn't see them a lot.  My father had whatever his reasons were for not coming to see me and I am not going to lie...there have been a lot of times that I have felt angry over how ignored I was by him.  My grandparents had full custody of me and wouldn't let my mother take me for a day or a night or a weekend.  I know there is a lot to the story I haven't been told from their perspective.  I have heard my mothers side. So yeah, it was abnormal as far as not having my parents in the house.  But I met other people with those norms.  Other people being raised by someone other than their parents.  So to us it was the norm.  

So is it that I am only dysfunctional to people who weren't that way.  Should I look at someone who was raised differently than I was as dysfunctional?  Why does anyone have to be considered dysfunctional in any way?  

I did a lot of thinking on this.  I decided this.  We are all dysfunctional by definition. Maybe it is who raised you.  Maybe it is the color of your parents (ie one is one race one is another), maybe it is considered not the norm to have a step parent or to be a step parent or to be a single parent.  We all have some sort of definitive dysfunctional.  So why do we label it?  Why does it need a label.  All labels do is create victims.

Friday, April 10, 2015

If you go to the beach - Get up early catch a sunrise! Or maybe a sunset.

So on our trip to Cocoa Beach, we decided to get up early and catch the sunrise.  I grew up on the east coast and love sunrises on the beach.  My husband grew up in IL.  He had never spent a sunrise on the beach and I really wanted to share that with him.  So, we set our alarm and off we went in the a.m.  Just the two of us.

Downside to Cocoa's beaches is the meters.  Thank goodness we had change.  I didn't use the phone option.  We walked down the short boardwalk to the beach and found a handful of people with the same idea.  One couple had appeared to have spent the night on the beach...not sure I would go that far...but, to each their own.

Here is what we saw...

But don't take my word for it.  Catch one yourself! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cocoa Beaches BEST PIzza

So we went to meet my cousin...a long long story.  Well we were at the hotel and we were starving.  We had a long 8 hour drive (insane traffic around Ocala.) I messaged my cousin and said where is the best delivery place for good food.  And she said....

Just as a disclaimer, we ordered our food.  They had no idea I was going to blog about it.  I didn't ask permission.  That being said.  It was a Friday night during spring break took an hour.  We ordered a chicken parmesan pizza.I figured like normal we would have left overs to eat cold later.  (DID NOT HAPPEN!)

The pizza had 2 crusts.  On the inside was Chicken and pizza sauce and cheese.  It was so delish.  The crust tasted like eating a piece of yummy bread and was so good!  (I never eat crust).  It was all awesome.  Kicked myself for not ordering the cannoli. Next time.....we will!

I have to say I am so glad that we took her advice.  The pizza is heavy and filling.  But it was soo good we couldn't stop.  I highly recommend Papa Vitos Pizza on North Atlantic.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Today's Christian Dating and Marriage for the 'older crowd'

So, when people say we just couldn't wait till we got married.  I was married before, I don't need to wait.  I would like to say, whether you have been married before, whether you have 'done it with someone else'.  There is no harm in waiting till marriage.  Yes men may be pushy the older you get.  But it is AOK to hold your ground.  And you say oh yeah you have been married more than once. 

You are absolutely right.  I have been married to two previous men.  I did not abstain with them.  I also had not yet been saved and I was in a bad place in my life spiritually, emotionally and psychologically.  I did not respect myself and I chose men who would eventually cheat on me, lie to me and be physically abusive to me (only one did that).  I didn't understand that I was worthy of good healthy love.

When I met my current husband he was very vigilant in his no sex before marriage belief.  He also had never been married and was a virgin.  I know its nuts right.  But he was an amazing person.  We spent our time talking and sharing information on who we were.  By the time we took the step into our marriage we knew each other in a more intimate and emotional way than physical interaction would have ever let us get.

When I walked down the aisle on our wedding day, I have never felt so loved.  I have never felt so appreciated.  I have never felt so sure.  We were connected in such a basic way but it was so deep.  When we did share our first evening together it wasn't work.  It just happened.  Things work out how they should.

If you are a Christian Woman do not feel like you have to sacrifice yourself to not be alone.  There are amazing men out there that are ready to accept you for you.  If you are not in a place where you accept you for you, you will not find him.  He will overlook you looking for someone who is happy in their skin.  Go to your minister, your friends and find how beautiful you are inside and out.  Maybe you have a disorder or a disease that is a thing.  It does not define you.  Everyone is beautiful through Christ.  Open your heart to you and leave it open for the man of your dreams to come in. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Everyone is always having something to say about the Duggar's

I recently watched Jessa Duggar's wedding on TV.  People say how sheltered the children are.  People have their opinions on how the family lives their lives.  Here are some things that over the years (No I am not an avid watcher. I tend to only watch when something is going on ie: weddings, babys etc.)  I really used to think how horrible that the children did a lot of the work. I used to think, 'If you can't parent them yourselves then why would you have more than you can personally parent.'  Please note I said used to.

Is it normal to give birth to that many children?  No.  Is it necessarily healthy for her to give birth that many times?  I'm not a doctor I don't know. Are they raising their children with a strong moral base?  Yes.  Have any of their children had a major drug or alcohol problem?  Not to my knowledge.  Do they teach their children about making a dollar stretch?  Yes.  Do they teach them that just sleeping with anyone is not the best idea?  Yes.

Why is it that TV shows that show drug dealers and criminals as kings are hailed and given awards and heralded as riveting.  Yet a family that learns from each other and grows together is picked apart and judged?  I think about shows like Sons of Anarchy, CSI etc.  In these shows you see graphic violence.  You see death, drugs and other curses to human nature.  But, when you watch the Duggar family you see how people who home school work.  How the younger children learn through the older children and with them. 

These children say yes ma'am and no ma'am,.  They respect their parents.  They don't swear.  They don't sneak out and party. They are not wearing skirts up to their buts, they wear higher necklines and they wear skirts that are longer.  They respect themselves.  Although you may not believe what they believe so far their system is working.  They have children who are doing well.  They speak effectively.  They can have rational thoughts and can do everything from dishes to a load of laundry to change their own oil.

I don't feel like other than when specific questions about why they do things have been asked their religion has really been a pinnacle on this show.  Like most Christians you are asked to share your testimony and your asked to share the importance of god in your life.  Now, like Duck Commander (that is another days blog) I am sure there has been some requests of the station to limit their preaching etc.

But at the end of the day, they are raising wonderful children who are modest, and respectful and helpful.  If what they are doing is churning out people who will contribute good things to society I say go Duggars.  Write a book on parenting or something.  Maybe just he basics.  Then we can hand it out to new parents and maybe we won't continue to make children who have no respect and believe they are owed everything.  I wouldn't mind seeing a few less of those kids, the ones who will lie, sleep around, do drugs and drink.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Matt's Ice Cream - Gulf Shores Al!

Going on a trip to the Gulf Shores of Alabama?  DO NOT MISS OUT ON MATT's.  We were very impressed to see the owner working there. Also saw his parents coming in and his family.  I am a sucker for family owned businesses over big name and big box.  So we had seen a post on the Alabama Gulf Shores page about Ice Cream spots.  We saw everyone saying Matt's Matt's and more Matt's. So we decided to see what it was all about.

Parking lot is kind of small, but when we got there most of the surrounding businesses were closed so we just used some of those spots. It is in like a 'strip mall'.  You have to watch for it.  It is across the street from TCBY on Routh 59 just a few blocks from the beach!  The outside is just a small little ice cream place.

You walk in and then omg you have to DECIDE on a flavor?  jeez.  They have sample spoons so you can try before you buy.  But you just can't go wrong. They even have sherbert.  I had the peanut butter ice cream.  It was amazing.  Just amazing.  The tables and chairs are acrylic but have a retro look to them.  The help is fun!  The owner is very friendly and will tell you all about his flavors and how he comes up with them.

You can see how close his family is and I LOVED THAT!  His kids came in and he hugged them.  He took his parents on a tour to see his new freezer!  You can just tell he is living his dream and that is amazing.  The best part get to taste his dream and you win!

Prices are very reasonable.  We got sundaes and just ice cream in a cup between our group.  And it was less than $20 for all of us.  I am not a huge ice cream fan.  I will admit this.  But, I will go to Matt's over and over and over again!

I give Matt's a 5 star rating. It is amazig. It is a must go to ice cream stop on your Gulf Shores exploration!  We were not asked to do a review on this location.  We just really loved it and wanted to share!

Here is the information!
1308 Gulf Shores Pkwy, Gulf Shores, AL 36542
(251) 948-7098<br>

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter......a pondering thought.....

Happy Easter!!  I hope you had a great Easter with Family, friends, etc.  We will be in Cocoa, FL. to visit family for Friday afternoon and Saturday but Easter will be spent driving home.  But being that it is Easter and since, there is a whole lot of news going on about religion....I figured I'd soap box.

OK, I am a Christian.  I have friends who are Buddhist, Islamic, Agnostic, Pagan.  If it is a religion, I probably have a friend who follows it.  Even under the 'label' Christian, I have friends who are Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, Congregational you name it.  I absolutely accept Jesus as my Savior but part of that is this....the bible says LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  It says Judge lest ye be judged. It says that how you judge others is how you shall be judged on your judgement day.

As far as the laws that are being passed in Indiana.  NO just NO. If you have to make laws to force the world to abide by your God......then it is against what America stands for. Just wait till the Muslims ask for Sharia law to be allowed....or other religions ask for their holidays to be recognized by the federal government.  Quietly certain religions have guided what is and is not acceptable in our society.  America was founded as a place for all religions to come together and not fear persecution.  And yet daily one religion will put down another.  All of one religion are viewed as the same as a few extremists.

What if all Christians were seen as being like Westborough Baptist members?  Do you really want them to represent you?  Just like we should not be judging all jewish people, all buddhist people, all islamic people.

I recently heard someone on a talk show state, we don't go to war for our religion.  Our wars are to protect those who can't protect themselves.  The middle east has been fighting for thousands of years over religions.  This is not a new thing.  The new thing that popped in is US.  Back thousands of years ago there was this thing called the Crusades.  That was Christians waging wars against other people of other religions.  We have all done it.  All of our religions are somehow involved in past wars except I guess Buddhists. They don't believe in war.

All of this sabre rattling needs to stop.  Why can't we just be Americans.  Why do you care if gay people get married if you are not gay.  Why should you be able to tell someone they can't eat in your establishment if they are gay?  50 years ago it was ok kick someone out because they were black.  No matter how you cut it its discrimination.  As long as we allow color or religion to make us unequal we will never find equality.

I watched a documentary once that really hit one spot that I think needs to come out though.  It discussed discrimination within the black race.  It talked about how within their own race the color of skin is an issue.  How dark are you.........lighter skin is prettier or darker skin.  And if you talk with better grammar your too white.  You are a sellout.  I understand there was slavery.  I understand it was horrible.  I also understand that we are 100 year plus past that.  The people screaming that their family was slaves never experienced it.  Yet every day women white, black, asian, hispanic are taken and sold into slavery.  Boys girls you name it. All over the world.

If everyone stopped TODAY and said I am me.  I am an America.  I am free.  Anyone can be who they want to be.  OK, money is tight, work a job flipping burgers to help your family out.  Don't sell drugs on the corner.  OK someone told you that you are nothing.  Show them you aren't.  People who feel discriminated against allow it in some aspects.  By letting the actions of others affect their behavior they let that person win.  Please people.........stop.

We are not white.  We are not black.  We are not asian.  We are not Christian.  We are not Muslim.  We are not Jewish.  We are not Buddhist.   We are not the things that have been said to us in anger or disgust.  We are not worthless.  We are not unloved.  We are not part of the problem. We are American.  We are people.  We are worthy.  We are special.  We are loved.  We are part of the solution.

All we have to believe is that we are American.  We are worthy.  We just have to get off our butts and stop letting people have control of our thoughts.  Stop letting people control our value in our own minds.

Easter is a time of rebirth. Consider tomorrow, waking up and starting over.  Don't judge others by what they look like.  Don't judge them by what they wear.  Smile at a stranger.  Hug someone who needs it.  Love yourself.  Love others. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

When something just gets you down....

I can't believe we just passed the 10 month point.  10 months and 3 days ago....I was at work.  An announcement from the local news station came over my phone.  It said that an announcement had been made, my husbands plant would be closing.  We were only 2 years into paying on our house.  My job wasn't enough to pay all of our bills.  We had just bought a new vehicle in December because our truck was on it's way towards dying.  My son was stationed just 5 hours away in Kansas with the Army and we were making monthly trips to see him.

We had our wedding planned for October.  There I sat.  These men and women that worked there didn't even have the time to call their families to let them know.  They had walked into work that morning and were met with security.  They knew something was going on.   The announcement was made and it hit the news before they could even notify their families and let their families know in person.  I felt horrible.  Would our wedding happen.  Would we have to give it up?  Yes, I was married before but, my husband had never been.  I wanted that day with him.  But, we were going to have to find out what was going on.

We had brought our save the dates to Easter.  Now what.  We had no information for weeks.  No idea what to do.  Move it up not, then we heard the earliest the layoffs would happen was September.  So, we moved the wedding up to August.  We lost our deposit on our hall because they could not accomodate the move.  So we changed it.  Kept our church but had the reception in a much smaller area and made it family only.  We did our own catering and we had some amazing friends who gave us our cakes as a gift.  (We are masters of pulled pork now).

We put all of our wedding money aside to cover costs.  Thank goodness we did.  We looked around for a job for him.  There just wasn't one.  I prayed on it.  And I just had this feeling that this was a god thing.  I made the decision although I like to have my fingers in things, I was going to let go and let God take care of it.  A buyer came forward for our home.  We did have to pay some to close on our home. But we voyaged south to Alabama.  Before we moved, I had done some research on churches.  I found this amazing church.  I reached out to them.  They seemed so excited to have us come to their church.  Out of nowhere they stated that they were really struggling with Music Ministry.  I prayed on that.  Was that a path for me. I spoke to our church Music person, as well as two friends who do music ministry. They all said that I would do well and really prepared me for that prospect.  Then when we got down here, I messaged them to let them know that we were here.  The new response was short and basically said well, they had already found a couple singers and they were working out their music issues.

I kept praying for some sort of sign.  Then we closed on our house here.  I got busy unpacking and making our house a home.  Then I hit this point where I was just overwhelmed.  And we decided to go to our friend's church.  I needed the connection to god to be a little stronger.  I felt like I wasn't communicating with him right or I was doing something wrong. I was struggling.  I was lost.  We went to the first service and left really enjoying it.  They mentioned a newcomers class.  We went the following Sunday and the Sunday after that. 

The minister asked about our questions.  I asked about getting involved with the church.  Where are they needing things.  He said that they are really trying to grow the church.  He asked if there was anything that I felt called to. I advised him that Music Ministry is my calling. He mentioned they had been working on having a point person as music ministry and that would be coming soon and then discussed that a little and moved on.  Initially I thought maybe that was meant for me.  Maybe this was the path.  I was told by someone later that they thought someone had already been offered the position.  So I was kind of heart broken.  I'm not going to lie.

I sincerely felt like this was my calling. Music is my life.  My connection to music is in the base of my spirit.  I find god when I need him through music.  I have a youtube favorites list of music of all kinds but my Christian Hymns and Contemporary music is my calming vibe.  I have prayed so hard on how to be completely calm and wait for God to give me a job.  I have worked so many jobs that I didn't love.  I just really would like to spend the rest of my life loving my job.  But I will just keep praying.

God has something in store for me. I know part of the reason I am struggling to find a job is my age.  I know I am 40.  But I am healthy and I am so hardworking. I just want to be in a job I love.  I want to help wherever I work continue to reach their goals. I want to achieve more than what I have.  I want to work at a job that makes me feel like I make a difference to someone. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

RESTORE - Habitat for Humanity Store - Summerdale, AL

Recently we have visited the RESTORE store in Summerdale, AL.  I have some mixed emotions about Habitat for Humanity.  But, I do know some very deserving people who have received homes through them an I do know they overall do good work.  That being said.  They often will set up stores and sell items they can't use in these homes or when they buy too much etc.

I have been to other Habitat stores. Usually it is a great place to visit.  You can find good deals.  This store is a mixed bag.  Some stuff is retail, some stuff is very cheap and yet other items are so expensive you just shake your head.  For example, we have been there three times.  We have seen the same older style large print couch for $150.  Ok a couch for $150 not so bad, however, I have seen newer couches in better condition on craigslist or the facebook sales ads for $50 or 75.  I feel like they way overprice their furniture items.  They had paint by the gallon but the colors were so bad, I don't know who would ever use them or why.  Then, they had tile (that was what we went for). It was $25 per box.  It is basically retail, but, they had the style we wanted and couldn't find locally.  So we did not hesistate to pay retail.  I don't know if they have a discount mode or how that all works.

We did get a good deal on some decorative chains that you can hang potted plants on etc.  And some other smaller household items were very reasonable like glasses, table ware, decor pieces.  Their decorative plants (fake) were retail but were old and not in great condition so should have been much lower in price.  It really is a crapshoot at this place.  But you can get a bargain if you go in for the right item on the right day.

It almost seems like they have flat prices for items no matter condition.  We saw a beautiful set of nightstands for $35 each. Definitely worth that then went around the corner and there was one that was made of particle board that was $35 and was missing a handle and had scratches.  It just didn't make sense.

Because there is bargains there and because it is a good cause I am going to give it three stars.  But again, know your prices and shop carefully.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Southeastern Salvage - Mobile Al

We recently went shopping at Southeastern Salvage in Mobile.  Just to kind of sea what they had.  It is definitely an everything store.  I don't have photos from there but, basically it is an everything for your home store. They have fountains and furniture and tubs, rugs, tile, outdoor decor, you name it.  Some prices are seriously amazing.  Where you are trying to think where to put that item because it is priced so low. Other prices you are just shaking your head.   You sincerely want to know your pricing before you go there from other places.

We needed stuff to tile our kitchen (oh that project is a coming) We were able to get the spacers and the colored tile grout for about half of what it normally would have run, however, we also checked out some outdoor rugs and those were about 50 more than World Market for similar ones.  So we waited.

We saw a lot of things we would love to use in our main bathroom renovation and once we find the sink base we will be going back there for the sink.  I love the counter top bowl sinks.  There, they had carved stone ones that are kind of rustic ones. They ran from 49 - 99 bucks.  Which is a pretty good deal an they are substantial.

They had, in back near the sinks, some stuff that was like cabinets and such that were over $500 and I didn't get that at all.  I was looking for a crafting table and thinking i could just move my craft table to my husbands work room and then use that.  But, I could make the same table for about $100 in materials.  So, yeah that was not a savings.  They had some great outdoor items.  Some were reasonable and some weren't.

So I guess over all I'd give the store a 3.  They do have a little of everything but, if you haven't done research you do risk overpaying....but you could also save a bundle.  So yeah I am a little tormented on my rating, but.......i have to be honest and it is down the middle when you put that all together.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Estuarium on Dauphin Island

While my daughter's friend was here, we visited the Estuarium.  It is located on Dauphin Island and has a sea lab on it.  Well the skies opened and it was pouring rain so we weren't able to do the marsh walks or the ray tank, but there was still a lot to see!

It was really cool.  There was a movie that was about 5 minutes long that talked about the unique qualities of this area that was very cool.  Then we walked around and looked at turtles, fish and crabs!  It was really fun!  We got to feed crabs and use an underwater camera.

It was a lot of fun to see the animals and the skeletons of fish and such.  I think the price is pretty reasonable and if we would have been able to pet the rays and go on the marsh walks, I am certain it would have been a bargain day. 

We then took a ride down to the beach. The water was really churning.  I don't think I have ever seen such water in my life.  It was just white swirls.  I highly recommend the beach, the old fort as well as the Sea Lab!  Definite fun.  You can also take an auto ferry over to Fort Morgan!

I definitely recommend this for all ages.  Even as an adult I really enjoyed it.  I watched kids having a blast and I think it is a great family day.  Maybe try not to go when it is stormy out.  But it is definitely very family friendly.  The gift shop is amazingly cheap!  I got a beautiful blue glass sand dollar for $4!!!  My daughter's friend bought glass turtles for $3.  And they are gorgeous!  I give this five stars.  I could see the large ray tank and the paths.  I know those would have been fun and I am sure we will go back!!

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