Monday, September 21, 2015

REVIEW: Christmas Ornament Grow Eggs! Really fun and soo cute!

Christmas is coming!  I know I know you don't want to hear that in September..but it is!  I am all about the awesome fun stuff at Christmas.  But I also like to make sure I start shopping ahead of time.  These are so much fun!  They are hatchable eggs.  You can hang them on your tree then on Christmas your children (or adult children yes mine were ALL ABOUT THIS!) can immerse them in water.  Now, this is NOT an overnight process.  The whole thing can take about 2 weeks.  That is a downside. But the kids will love watching it change!

Step one is above.  Immerse it in water.  Very easy steps even for a small child to follow.  But the final item is not really appropriate for a child that may put something in its mouth still.  They are small and would be a choking hazard.

After about couple of days we saw the crack! Woohoo it was ready to take out of the egg.  It is not pretty yet.  Don't despair!  You then immerse the animal that comes out or snowman depending on which egg you hatch.  The directions tell you how long to submerse it after it hatches.  Now, I will tell you we thought the mason jar was a great idea.  You may want something with a wider opening but, it worked just fine!

     Here he is looking NOT SO CUTE!  But its ok.  The next step is letting him 'dry out'.  Letting them sit for a few days on a towel on your counter or windowsill will then reveal the cutest little thing you have ever seen!  See below!

   These are really cute when they are done and even my grown children had a blast checking on it to see what it looked like and how it was doing and guessing when it would be done.  The final piece of the puzzle is to display your adorable little animal.  They are made of what feels almost like a foam. That is why above I suggested to not give them to small children.  The Christmas ones will include either a Penguin, A Polar Bear or a Snowman.  You can buy individually or get a 3 pack and get all three!  Our penguin was in the white speckled one but I don't know if all the speckled ones are penguins.  They are very adorable and usually within a week you have an adorable little figure.  I have posted links to add either the individual or the three pack to your order with amazon.  The three pack is definitely a better bargain.  Would also be an awesome secret santa gift!

You can get yours here!

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